New Jersey

Did you know New Jersey provides over 500 acres of state-owned public habitat for residents and non-residents to enjoy? One common way people spend time in the great New Jersey outdoors is through hunting. But all hunters must follow the rules and regulations of The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. 

If you would like to hunt or trap in New Jersey, you must get a license. A competition of hunter’s education is required to get a license. Unlike other states, hunting licenses must be renewed annually regardless of state residency. However, like in many other states, there are special licenses for a variety of situations. One unique license in New Jersey is the Farmer’s License. It allows a farmer and their immediate family living on the farm to hunt on the property. For more information about special licenses, you can learn more on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection website

There are many regulations all hunters must follow in order to hunt legally because of the natural dangers associated with hunting. Another important element to hunting in New Jersey is updating your knowledge of hunting laws, seasons, and regulations annually. Because they change yearly, even the most experienced hunters should research this information. In light of this, it is incredibly important for hunters to complete the hunter education course. This way, you can trust that you and the surrounding hunters are properly informed on safety and habitat protection regulations.