
Nevada is home to a wide range of hunting game, from Mule Deer and Rocky Mountain Elk to Desert Cottontail Rabbit and Hungarian Partridges. Hunters are welcome to enjoy all Nevada offers if they follow the hunting rules and regulations. 

Anyone above the age of 12 must obtain the proper hunting license. To purchase this license, hunters must complete a hunter's education course. Additionally, hunters must apply for the appropriate tags if they wish to partake in big game hunting. The big game tag draw happens annually and is issued using a computerized draw process. Learn more about the process in this video

In addition to the licensing and education requirements, hunters must be familiar with and willing to comply with all hunting regulations enforced by the Nevada Department of Wildlife. These regulations include bag limits, approved weaponry rules, and other safety restrictions. For example, hunters may not shoot firearms from a moving vehicle. 

If these regulations are not obeyed, hunters could earn demerits and eventually lose their licenses. Therefore, we encourage all hunters to review the regulations at the start of the season, regardless of their prior experience.