
Colorado is famous for its rich variety of wildlife and landscapes. If you are one of the many people who want to hunt in this beautiful state, you must follow the state regulations and laws. 

If you were born on or after January 1, 1949, Colorado Law requires the completion of an approved hunter education course before applying for or buying a Colorado hunting license. These hunter education courses are offered in traditional classroom courses, online courses, and bowhunting courses. Once you complete these courses, you can learn more hunting skills through The Hunter Outreach Program, which is taught by experienced hunters. 

In order to hunt in Colorado, you must have the proper licensing for your game of choice. Colorado’s hunting licenses are categorized by turkey, small game, and big game. Hunters who wish to hunt big game must purchase a qualifying license to partake in the big game draws. Both turkey and small game are options for qualifying licenses. Hunters can apply to the primary draw and the secondary draw for limited big-game licenses. Elk, deer, pronghorn, and bear tags are part of a limited license draw using the preference point lottery system

For more information about how the point system and draw operate, click here. If you fail in the big game draw, Colorado also offers leftover limited licenses and over-the-counter licenses.